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8 Tips for First-Time Denture Wearers - us.instasmile.com

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8 Tips for First-Time Denture Wearers - us.instasmile.com

Dentures can help you regain your smile's appearance and functionality while also boosting your self-confidence.

Adjusting to a new prosthetic device, such as dentures, may take some time. Today, we're going to provide you with invaluable insight into how to make the most of your brand-new dentures. By following our advice, you can get the smile that will boost both your confidence and quality of life.

1. Expect a few changes

Adjusting to dentures is an exciting, albeit slightly strange experience - like getting a new pair of shoes but for your mouth. There is always an adjustment period because the mouth is more sensitive and requires getting used to the product. Ranging from the feeling of having some extra weight in the mouth to learning how to speak and eat differently, your teeth may take some time to find their groove. That's why it's important to give yourself some grace as you adjust. 

Don't worry if you have to get a few minor adjustments done - that's just part of the process. After all, your tissue deserves some tender loving care so it gets used to these new roommates.

For the best fit and comfort, you might need an adjustment every few years as a result.

2. Diets should be adjusted accordingly

You should avoid eating certain foods after getting new dentures, including hard nuts and corn on the cob. The majority of people initially respond well to softer foods like eggs, yogurt, cooked vegetables, fish, potatoes, ice cream, and more.

However, maintaining proper nutrition is equally important, so make sure you're eating well-balanced meals and wholesome snacks.

3. Regularly cleaning your dentures

Did you know that dentures, like natural teeth, can develop plaque and tartar? They may stain as well. The use of a toothbrush or denture brush, warm water, and antibacterial soap to brush your prosthesis is crucial.

You should soak your dentures in a denture cleanser to get rid of bacteria, food particles, and debris. Before re-inserting them, make sure to rinse them thoroughly.

4. Keep brushing your teeth

Regardless of the physical state of your mouth, it is still important to brush twice daily with a soft toothbrush and paste. In addition to getting rid of bacteria that leads to bad breath, brushing your tongue, cheeks and gums will also protect you from fungal infections. This simple habit can do wonders for your oral health.

5. Talk more

Speaking while wearing dentures typically involves a small learning curve. Some patients adjust to them right away, but others might take a few weeks before speaking comes naturally to them.

You are encouraged to speak as much as you can in the first few weeks. Reading aloud can be helpful. The more you can chew with your new teeth, the quicker your tongue and soft tissues will adjust.

6. Keep hydrated

If you often suffer from a dry mouth, it is especially critical that you stay well-hydrated. Drinking plenty of water can help ease the discomfort associated with wearing dentures. Everyone should make an effort to drink enough fluids every day.

Some medications may cause dry mouth as a side effect. Speak to your doctor about the possibility of changing your prescriptions or dosages if you believe this may be the underlying cause of your condition.

7. Be ready for slippage

Generally, dentures offer a snug and secure fit for your mouth so that you can comfortably talk and eat. Nevertheless, if you make abrupt movements or sneeze unexpectedly, your dentures might shift slightly.

If you experience denture slippage as a result of coughing, sneezing, laughing or even smiling, we suggest gently biting down and swallowing to bring them back into the right alignment. This easy adjustment technique can help keep your dentures in place and improve their fit over time.

8. Rest your gums at night

It is advised to remove your dentures while sleeping, providing you with the perfect opportunity for them to be soaked and allowing your gums an extended period of rest so that any soreness or discomfort can dissipate.

Taking care of your dentures

Consistent proper denture care is essential in order to avoid discoloration and maintain optimal oral health. Without the right maintenance, individuals with dentures can be susceptible to potential dental issues down the line.

To preserve your dentures in top condition, make sure to brush them every night and once more before you put them back on each morning. 

Using a soft-bristled brush along with some nonabrasive denture cream can help clear away any accumulated plaque or food particles adhering to the surface of your appliance. Additionally, for optimum oral hygiene, don't forget about brushing your tongue, gums and roof of the mouth on a regular basis. At Instasmile we offer clip-on veneers allowing you to replace any missing teeth without having to visit a dentist. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When should you remove your dentures?

To stop bleeding and swelling, apply pressure to your denture. Keep it in place for 24 hours after your procedure. You should then remove the denture, clean it, and rinse your mouth with warm salt water (1 tsp. salt to 8 oz of fairly warm water).

The denture should be fitted right away and should not be taken out until bedtime. From this point forward, you should take off your denture at night and sleep without it. The tissues can maintain their health as a result.

Do people who wear dentures need to avoid any specific foods?

No, the good news is that, with a little assistance from the proper adhesive and once you get used to wearing and chewing with dentures, you can eat just about anything.

Some foods may be more challenging to consume because they require more effort to chew or bite, contain small hard particles, or are sticky. However, if you use a good adhesive and take some precautions, you should be able to eat whatever you want without fear.

What to anticipate once you begin using dentures

Your new dentures may take some getting used to; it may take 4 to 8 weeks before you feel completely at ease with them. They might initially feel very large and like they're pushing your lips out, but this is completely normal, and the sensation will pass in time.
