Our Guide to Using Your Instasmile Snap-On Veneers Impression Kit
It's important we get a good clear impression of your teeth and gumline, to ensure your snap-on veneers fit correctly and look great.
Please watch the full video below carefully, and follow the printed instructions exactly. Following these will help you pass your impressions and receive your veneers faster.
How To Use The Impression Kit Stressfree
When you’ve watched the video, read through the instructions carefully, and prepare everything you need. Only take your impressions when you have plenty of time and no distractions.
Keep your instructions to hand and follow them carefully. You can download a copy here if you need to:
Download Impression Instructions

Instasmile Impression Kit
The Perfect Instasmile Starts With A Great First Impression
Making a great first impression means having a great smile. And having a great instasmile means making a great first impression. Following the instructions carefully means you’ll provide an accurate impression that our skilled smile experts can work their magic with.
What Makes A Good Impression?

This is the area above where your teeth are. This is required on the impression to ensure that your instasmile does not come into contact with your gums as this can cause irritation.
Clear Outline
This is the outline of your teeth where your tooth hits your gums. These should always be a clear rounded shape at the top. Without clear margins, the technicians will not know the full shape of your teeth and your instasmile may not fully cover your teeth.
Tray Position
Your teeth should be centred in the middle of the tray, to ensure we can see the full details of your teeth.
Without good depth, the impression is not a true representation of your mouth and can cause fit issues with the instasmile.instasmile clip-on veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly, so we need an accurate impression of your teeth and gum line. We have a great online video, and detailed instructions to help you achieve this. If you need any additional help or support, we have a friendly team of experts on hand to assist you.
REMEMBER: Please ALWAYS send us a photo of your impression for approval prior to sending them in to us.