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Getting Comfortable With Dentures - us.instasmile.com

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Getting Comfortable With Dentures - us.instasmile.com

If you're looking for an alternative to replace your absent or damaged teeth, dentures may be a great option. Not only will they help you eat better and restore self-confidence, but also make it easier to smile with poise. However, it can take some time until you feel as assured and competent in wearing them as when using real teeth - so don't worry if speaking or consuming feels awkward at first.

Are you apprehensive about adapting to new dentures? Don't worry—we're here to discuss how long it typically takes and how partials play a role. Let's go over these common concerns that many new denture wearers have in order to make the transition smoother.


When will I feel comfortable wearing dentures?

Familiarizing yourself with dentures is more than just learning how to chew and speak differently. It requires a whole new thought process that may feel daunting at first. But don't worry – the following tips will help you adjust quickly and painlessly:

Put your dentures on

At first glance, wearing dentures may be deceptively straightforward. Sadly, numerous people who receive them eventually cease to use them because they falsely believe that no effort is needed. The sensation of having foreign items in our mouths like dentures can feel strange and unfamiliar at times. Moreover, the salivary glands become overactive when you start using dentures and produce an excessive quantity of saliva. Nothing makes adapting to new appliances more difficult than not consistently wearing them; your mouth will adjust much quicker if you wear your prosthesis regularly.

Knife and fork usage

For an easier time wearing dentures, it's best to cut up food into smaller pieces. The larger the morsel of food is, the more space it occupies in your mouth and thus becomes harder to chew and break down. By dicing or mincing your meals into tinier chunks, you can make this task much simpler for yourself—and allow for a better-tasting result.

Dental checkups

There's no reason to suffer while adjusting to new dentures - your life should not be a living misery due to ill-fitting or painful denture wear. If you're feeling soreness, don't wait it out. Head straight for the dentist who can make any small change that will bring instant relief and comfort. So why bother with discomfort when you have access to such an easy fix?

Speaking exercises

To get comfortable speaking with dentures, the best way to learn is by practicing regularly in private until you can speak clearly without any hindrance. Read aloud from a book or article slowly and deliberately in front of the mirror; this will help your tongue relearn how to make difficult sounds. With enough practice, utilizing your dentures will become second nature.

Give your mouth a break

Above all, avoid wearing your dentures constantly. Your jaw muscles need some rest from time to time and the tissues inside your mouth require exposure to air in order for them to stay healthy and free of bacteria or fungi growth. 

To maintain proper care for your dentures daily, use a specialized cleanser as well as soft-bristled brush specifically made for cleaning dentures. Make sure that you take off your removable denture before going to bed each night so they can get a thorough cleanse while soaking overnight.


How much time does it take for dentures to feel comfortable?

Transitioning to dentures will be a much smoother experience if you adopt an optimistic attitude and remember that adjusting to your new dentures involves learning how they work. Typically, it takes anywhere from two weeks up to a month for most people before they can function reasonably well with the dentures. With the right mindset, however, this process becomes more enjoyable as you learn how best to adapt your routine with them.

Utilizing dentures and getting used to them

For the optimal maintenance of your dentures and for a comfortable experience when using them, it is essential to practice proper oral hygiene habits. Here are some guidelines you can follow: 

  • Each night before bed and upon replacing your dentures after sleeping, brush your tongue, upper palate, as well as gums. 
  • Furthermore, enjoy a nutrient-packed diet filled with fresh fruits and veggies that will provide valuable vitamins and minerals necessary for optimum dental health.

It is essential to go for routine dental visits, even if you don't have any natural teeth. During these appointments, your dentist will examine your gums and make sure that the fit of your dentures are appropriate. This proactive approach can save a lot of time and money in the long run as it prevents minor issues from escalating into more pressing matters.

Properly maintaining your natural teeth is another important part of learning to live with partial dentures. For your partial dentures to continue to serve you for many years to come, you must maintain a regular dental hygiene routine to keep your gums and remaining teeth in excellent condition. At Instasmile we offer clip-on veneers allowing you to get back to eating and drinking as usual without having to visit a dentist. 


Frequently Asked Questions

My friends who wear dentures can eat and communicate with ease. Why am I unable to?

If you have just started wearing dentures, chances are they faced a similar learning curve as you. Those who have been using dentures for longer periods of time likely know how to master them with ease. The same goes for everyone else; acquiring new skills requires dedication and patience before it becomes instinctual. With enough effort, resilience and faith in yourself, you will soon become a pro at managing your dental prosthetics.

What do immediate (also known as temporary) dentures look like?

Unlike permanent dentures, which are tailor-made to the unique shape of your mouth, immediate dentures are merely temporary. Unfortunately, they don't always fit snugly like conventional ones do. Regardless, these short-term options offer a convenient solution when in need of dental care as soon as possible.

When do I put the dentures on?

Make sure to wear your partial denture as much as you can once it feels comfortable. The more often you use it, the easier and more natural wearing it will become. You'll eventually forget that you're even wearing a denture.
