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How to know when to replace veneers

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How to know when to replace veneers

If they are fitted by a qualified cosmetic dentist, you can expect porcelain dental veneers to last a long time. They are considered a permanent fixture, and when properly cared for, they can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years.

You can extend the life of your veneers and get the most out of your investment by practicing good oral hygiene every day and visiting your dentist regularly to make sure they're working properly.

Of course, your veneer – or veneers – will need to be replaced at some point. Keep an eye out for the following signs and visit a dentist if you notice any.


1. Your gums are receding

Gum disease or poor oral hygiene can cause the veneers to separate from the gums, resulting in a gap or the appearance of receding gums. This is an indication that your veneers should be replaced as soon as possible because if you have gum disease, the veneers or natural teeth could become loose and fall out.

2. The veneers are broken or chipped

Veneers that are chipped, cracked, or simply worn down require replacement. Porcelain is tough, but that doesn't mean it can't be damaged by hard foods or simply wear out over time. Chipped veneers are an aesthetic as well as a functional issue, as they may impair your ability to speak and chew normally.

How to tell if your veneers are loose - instasmile

3. They are inconvenient to wear

The veneers may become uncomfortable to wear if they are not properly custom-fit and are too large for your teeth. They may also overhang, impairing your bite. In either case, seek treatment from a reputable dental professional. you will be able to tell if your veneers are loose if you can see a gap between your veneer and your gum, leaving part of your natural tooth on show. 

4. The tooth beneath it is decayed

Veneers are made to fit snugly against the underlying tooth to keep decay-causing bacteria out. They can, however, become a little loose over time, and the supporting tooth may become decayed.

The veneer may begin to detach in this case. Your dentist will be able to remove the veneer before replacing it to treat the decay.


5. Your veneers are stained or dark

Excessive consumption of highly pigmented food and drink, just like your natural teeth, can stain your veneers. Unfortunately, veneers cannot be whitened in the same way that natural teeth can, so if stains don't come off with brushing, you'll need to have them replaced to get the smile you once had.

Similarly, if the bonding material used to adhere to the veneer is darkening over time, it's time to schedule an appointment with your dentist. At Instasmile we offer a dentist-free alternative to traditional porcelain veneers with our clip-on veneers.

How to tell if your veneers are loose - instasmile

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Veneers Cause Teeth to Rot?

No, is the short and simple answer. In normal circumstances, teeth should not rot under veneers. Your natural teeth are well protected as long as your veneers are properly applied and maintained.

What is the procedure for preparing teeth for veneers?

A cosmetic dentist will need to prepare your tooth surface before applying a veneer to ensure a smooth, natural-looking smile with no unsightly protrusions.

In most cases, approximately half a millimeter of the tooth's surface will be shaved before your veneer appointment. This is a painless, outpatient procedure that does not jeopardize the integrity of your teeth or increase your risk of decay.

After the tooth has healed, a firm bonding cement that hardens under a special light is used to fuse the veneer to the surface. The bonding cement adheres to the tooth enamel, preventing bacteria from entering and rotting the tooth.

Under normal circumstances, your natural teeth should never rot beneath your veneers once they've been applied. However, you must then take proper care of your veneers daily.

Can veneers be used on teeth that aren't in good shape?

Veneers cannot be used to cover teeth that are rotten or decayed. Veneers are a type of cosmetic dentistry that is used to enhance the appearance of healthy teeth. Cavities and other forms of tooth decay must be addressed first, or the situation will only get worse.

A crown is a better option if you want to improve the appearance of a tooth that is damaged or weak. It provides the desired aesthetic while also providing structural support for the tooth. We use all-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns at our practice because they match the natural color of the teeth much better than other crowns and appear very natural.

Your dentist may recommend a complete extraction with a dental implant to replace the missing tooth if the tooth cannot be saved. Each case is different, and your dentist can assist you in determining the best course of action.

How are clip on veneers different?

Clip-on veneers are a great option for people who want to improve their smile without spending a lot of money or making a big commitment. They are also a good choice for people who may not be candidates for traditional veneers due to tooth damage or decay. Clip-on veneers are made of FDA approved materials. They are completely custom made to fit your teeth, and they can be removed at any time. Plus, they're much less expensive than traditional veneers, and they require exactly zero visits to the dentist. 

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