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What To Do If You've Damaged Your Tooth - us.instasmile.com

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What To Do If You've Damaged Your Tooth - us.instasmile.com

You can harm your teeth in many ways, from a tiny chip or fracture to shattering a tooth or having one entirely knocked out. If you have chipped, cracked, shattered or dislodged teeth, there are some immediate steps you should take.


Teeth that are chipped or cracked

Chips and cracks are common, and they usually happen when you're chewing or biting something hard, or when you're doing something with your teeth that you shouldn't be doing, like trying to open a bottle.

You may feel discomfort or simply notice a sharp edge or an unexpected crunching sound in your mouth, depending on the location of the chip and the depth of the fracture.

As soon as you realize you've cracked or chipped a tooth, carefully rinse your mouth with warm water to remove any food particles. Wrap any remaining chips with wet gauze if possible.

A chipped or mildly broken tooth is usually not a dental emergency unless it causes substantial pain or bleeding. Use a cold compress (or ice or frozen peas wrapped in a clean towel) and over-the-counter pain medicine to relieve mild pain or discomfort. If you want a natural cure, rub clove oil or a wet peppermint tea bag on the sore area to provide relief.

What to do with a damaged tooth

Putting a temporary repair on a chipped tooth

When the chip broke off, you may see a sharp or jagged edge or corner of your tooth. You run the danger of accidentally biting the inside of your cheek or tongue because of the sharp or jagged edge.

Those unintentional nicks can be painful and increase the risk of infection. You may shield yourself against that sharp edge in a few ways while waiting to see the dentist.

Many drugstores sell paraffin wax-filled emergency dental kits. To provide some protection, melt some paraffin wax between your fingers and apply it over and around the chipped tooth. If you don't have access to paraffin wax, you can use sugarless chewing gum in the same way.


What not to do when you're at home

We can sum up this part in five simple words: don't act like you're a dentist.

There are a few more things you shouldn't do.

Try not to use a file or sandpaper to smooth the edge of a jagged tooth.

Dentists can save enamel and the dentin beneath it while repairing a chipped or cracked tooth, which is vital for your oral health. DIY tooth contouring is more likely to exacerbate a chip or crack than to improve it, and it may also introduce bacteria to the injured area.

Try not to use pliers or other instruments to retrieve a shattered or nearly dislodged tooth. You'll make things worse by spreading illnesses and inflicting excruciating pain on yourself. Your dentist will determine what has to be done next and will be trained and equipped to perform the procedure in a painless and infection-free manner.

Finally, don't make the mistake of assuming that the chip or fracture is as minor as it appears. Your dentist is familiar with the structure of your teeth and can even take photos to determine whether the crack or chip poses a threat to the tooth's overall integrity.

If the crack or chip is more serious than it appears, you should inform your dentist as soon as possible so that they can take steps to protect your tooth and oral health.

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Frequently Asked Question

What can I do at home to fix my temporary teeth?

Temporary home tooth bonding or dental Repairs for Chipped or Broken Teeth

  • Place your tooth in a small container with milk if it falls out completely with the root intact.
  • If the remaining tooth has a sharp edge, chewing gum, gauze, or wax might be used to hide it.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever if you're in a lot of discomforts.

Is it possible to temporarily glue a tooth?

Any drug store will have dental cement, which is the finest option for reattaching a temporary. Apply the cement to the interior of the temporary and place it over the original tooth, as directed by the manufacturer.

What is the best way to manufacture a flipper tooth?

It's made by first taking a soft material impression of your mouth. After that, the impression is sent to a dental laboratory, which utilizes it to create a custom flipper tooth that fits your mouth and fills any gaps in your teeth with prosthetic teeth. Acrylic dental-grade resin is used to make the flipper teeth.

Is bonding harmful to your teeth?

Cosmetic bonding is not permanent, but it does not harm teeth. The material may fade or chip after a few years, but this has no effect on the natural enamel of your teeth.
