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Clip On Veneers: The Modern, Natural and Comfortable Alternative to Partial Dentures

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Clip On Veneers: The Modern, Natural and Comfortable Alternative to Partial Dentures

We’re surrounded by dazzling smiles wherever we look - on the TV, on the big screen, and in magazines. Anything less than perfection is almost unheard of. However, At least 178 million Americans are without their full set of natural teeth, and 40 million have none left at all. 

So if you’re struggling to relate to the Hollywood smiles in the media, fear not, you’re not alone! 

When looking to hide gaps from missing teeth, you’ll discover several options that you’re most likely familiar with such as crowns, bridges, and partial dentures - but familiarity doesn’t always mean it’s the best option. Here’s a rundown of how clip-on veneers shape up against partial dentures.

clip-on veneers

Clip On Veneers Are Revolutionary

Although widely used as a non-invasive solution for missing teeth, partial dentures are dated in design and involve multiple visits to the dentist to ensure a comfortable fit. Instasmile clip-on veneers are revolutionary.

Our scientifically tested, slimline products clip onto existing teeth, overlaying a beautiful new smile. Where you have missing teeth, your Instasmile will be filled with dental-grade materials for your comfort. You’ll forget there was ever a gap!

Thanks to our patented technology, there is no need for any dental adhesives, the product is specifically designed to clip in and stay securely allowing you to eat and drink as normal

Partial denture options available to you

Typically there are 3 types of dentures; Acrylic, Chrome, and Flexible. 

Acrylic dentures tend to be the cheaper option. If you get dentures privately, the costs vary, usually beginning at $375 for partials. The cheaper options are not as natural-looking as other materials and don’t tend to be as durable. They’re also prone to change shape over time, meaning fit issues are quite frequent.

Chrome dentures are made from a metal framework. They offer more durability than Acrylic dentures, however, they take longer to make and are much more expensive ranging from $634 - $1583 depending on the dental practice. They can also be uncomfortable and difficult to alter. 

Flexible dentures are more comfortable and not as expensive as Chrome options, but they’re less durable. In the US, flexible dentures cost between $423 and $634 as a starting price per arch. Some practices charge closer to $1,056 per arch, meaning you'll pay around $2,111 for an upper and lower set. As they’re less durable, you’re more likely to experience issues relating to their fit.

Instasmile Delivers Results

Visit our results page to see incredible examples of Instasmile clip-on veneers in action.

Here at Instasmile, we believe that everyone deserves that perfect smile that's why we create affordable and convenient alternatives to Partial Dentures. Discover your confidence today by taking our quick and easy smile assessment to find your perfect set of clip-on veneers.

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