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How Long After Getting Dentures Can You Eat Solid Food? - us.instasmile.com

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How Long After Getting Dentures Can You Eat Solid Food? - us.instasmile.com

Initially, it can be quite an adjustment to get used to wearing dentures. It's essential that your facial muscles adjust to the new sensations and how they appear or feel. Therefore, you should select foods carefully in the initial weeks of having them so that your mouth can get used to them gradually. With a bit of patience and time, eventually you'll find yourself comfortably living with dentures.

We're here to provide guidance on the best foods for you and your dentures, so that life can start feeling more delicious again.


Solid Food Transition

When you feel confident and secure in wearing your newly-fitted dentures, it's time to gradually start enjoying solid foods again. To aid with this transitionary period, be mindful of the following tips:

It will enhance your sense of taste.

In most cases, things get better with time, so don't worry if you feel like your taste buds have dulled.

Eat small amounts of solid food

When it's time to move onto solid meals, be sure that all of your food has been cut into pieces small enough for easy chewing.

Bite twice as you slowly chew

Make sure to properly chew all your food before swallowing, ensuring that it is evenly distributed throughout the back of your mouth as well as both sides. By doing this you can ensure that your dentures remain secure and stable.

Slice your fruit

Slice an apple into bite-sized pieces as opposed to biting into it.

Consume fluids with meals

Picking whole grain bread and cereals with complex carbohydrates is a nutritious option for you, but it can become lodged in your dentures. To help them disintegrate more easily, try sipping on some fluids.

Pick meats that are simpler to chew

Although you will one day be able to enjoy steak with dentures, right now, it's best if you stick to softer proteins such as poultry, fish or slow-cooked and stewed meats that are easier for your mouth to chew.

Apply denture adhesive

By using a denture adhesive, you can keep your dentures firmly in place and protect your gums from any potential irritation while still being able to sink your teeth into that delicious food. At Instasmile we offer clip-on veneers allowing you to achieve your perfect smile without the need to visit the dentist. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What foods should people who wear dentures avoid?

The good news is that you can eat just about anything once you get used to wearing and chewing with dentures and with a little help from the right adhesive.

Some foods, such as tough red meat, crusty bread, fresh fruit (whole), nuts, sticky candies and sweets, and nut varieties of butter, can be trickier to eat because they are difficult to chew or bite, have small hard particles, or are sticky.

You should, however, be able to eat anything you want with confidence if you use a good adhesive and take some precautions.

How do new dentures affect chewing?

To prevent displacing dentures, try to chew evenly on both sides of the mouth and begin with small bites. As you go, experiment with what feels more comfortable for you, but with a quality denture adhesive, normal chewing should be possible.

Can someone with dentures eat steak?

Once you've gotten used to your new dentures, you should be able to. To ensure a tight fit, use a denture adhesive.

Can someone with dentures eat regular food?

You should be able to eat your favorite foods with a little assistance from a denture adhesive.

Dentures will take care of you if you take good care of them. It's crucial to remove food from them to prevent tartar formation and keep your dentures stain-free.

Why do fresh dentures start to sag?

Your gums are no longer needed to hold your teeth in place once your natural teeth have been extracted. Your dentures will become loose over time as the gums shrink. Your dentist can suggest treatments to improve the fit of your dentures after bone and tissue shrinkage.
