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Is There an Age Limit to Straighten Teeth? - us.instasmile.com

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Is There an Age Limit to Straighten Teeth? - us.instasmile.com

Children have baby teeth that must fall out before their adult teeth can come in. This process begins around age 7, but most kids don't receive formal treatment until they're between 9 and 14.

Any adults wishing to improve their smile should know that neither braces nor aligners have an age limit. Teeth tend to move more slowly in adulthood than during adolescence, so treatment times may be longer.

There are pros and cons to getting treatment early or late in life. It's important for families to be aware of these before making a decision.

What Age Is Too Young?

Many young kids have gaps between their teeth, which is normal because they lose their baby teeth before their adult teeth come in. This can make a child's smile look crooked or even funny. But some children have serious problems with how their teeth line up that require treatment from an orthodontist.

If you're a parent with concerns about your child's teeth, it's recommended that you take them to see an orthodontist before they turn seven. An expert in the field might be able to:

Give Advice

If your child has crooked or protruding teeth due to an unusual tongue thrust or thumb-sucking habit, an orthodontist may be able to provide advice on how to stop the damage from getting worse.

Guide Treatment

Children who benefit from early treatment with night guards or elastic bands might not be ready for braces yet. An orthodontist can help you make this decision.


Some problems seem pressing at the moment but they lose their importance over time. An orthodontist could monitor these kinds of issues and take action if they become more significant. Orthodontists usually don't recommend treatment for kids under seven years old. In most cases, young children need to wait until their adult teeth come in. Their jawbones might also still be lengthening and changing, and this process might not finish until later on in life.

Early Treatment's Benefits and Drawbacks

As a parent, you want the best care for your child in the event of a serious problem, and you want the work to begin immediately. If your child's health and well-being are in jeopardy, it's reasonable to demand early intervention. However, there are some disadvantages.

For some children, dental health is a significant benefit of early treatment. Some children, for example, are born with excessively protruding upper teeth. Even when the child's mouth is closed, they protrude from beneath their lips.

Those teeth can be seriously damaged if a child receives a blow to the face or falls.

According to experts, a child like this requires braces or aligners. Without them, a single injury could cause the child lifelong problems.

A disadvantage of very early care is the length of treatment. Some children receive braces or aligners for one issue only to develop another that necessitates additional attention. A child like this may need braces for several years, but waiting until later in life for one course could mean only two years of treatment.

Is There Such a Thing As Being Too Old?

Many adults have had crooked teeth for most of their lives, but they're hopeful for a better future. In studies, adult patients cite this hope as a motivator for seeking treatment. There is no upper age limit to treat misaligned teeth with either aligners or braces--anyone over 18 who wants to improve their smile can do so.

Irrespective of your age, orthodontic devices work by using pressure to move teeth into the correct position. The pressure from the top forces bone remodeling below, which in turn should improve your smile for the rest of your life.

Both young and old members of the family can enjoy treatment, as long as all adult teeth are still intact.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Late Treatment

You shouldn't have to wait until you're older to get the smile you've always wanted. When it comes to making a good first impression, you're never too old.

A major advantage of the late treatment is increased confidence. People who put off improving their smiles have most likely spent years hiding their teeth behind their hands, self-conscious about their appearance. For anyone of any age, putting all their worries and shame behind them can be extremely liberating.

Late treatment has the disadvantage of long treatment times. Bones and tissues that are older do not move or remodel as quickly as those that are younger. To achieve the desired results, you may need to spend more time wearing braces or aligners.

To keep your teeth from moving back, you must wear your retainers consistently. Adults who are undergoing aligner treatment should wear their retainers even more frequently.

Aligner Constraints

Dentists can help children as young as 12 years old with aligners, but anyone under the age of 18 will need parental permission. All candidates must have all of their adult teeth and have an orthodontist's approval. Aligners are easy to put on and take off and are not visible. 

There is no upper age limit for aligners, and they are an excellent option for adults. Technology may be able to speed up tooth movement and reduce discomfort, which means that adult customers can often get the smile they want without having to wait years.

Get The Benefits of Aligners Without The Wait

Instasmile clip-on veneers provide a more affordable, convenient and time saving alternative to traditional teeth straightening. There is no need to visit the dentist, there is no pain, and the results are instant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it ever too late to get straight teeth?

Adults can have orthodontic treatment to correct the same dental issues as children and teenagers do. Braces for teeth can be worn at any age.

Crowding, an overbite, or gaps between the teeth in adults may require treatment. Depending on what needs to be done, your orthodontist will discuss treatment and care options with you.

What are the various kinds of braces?

At your orthodontist appointment, you will discuss the different types of braces available and which one would work best for you. It is important to note that regardless of the type chosen, they will need to be worn all day every day. Some can be taken out for cleaning or eating, but others are bonded to the front and back teeth permanently.

Who Will Administer Orthodontic Care?

Your dentist, who is in charge of coordinating your dental care, may refer you to an orthodontist with experience. Orthodontists are specialists who specialize in the prevention and treatment of dental, bite, and jaw irregularities, as well as related facial abnormalities.
